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Our Missions and Purpose

OCCACC History

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Who We Are

Founded in 1988, Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce (OCCACC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of primarily Chinese American entrepreneurs and business professionals interested in accomplishing their professional and personal goals. OCCACC leverages its wide range of professional expertise, relationships, and connections to help members achieve their business and personal aspirations. With its large member base, OCCACC serves as a premiere platform for business opportunities and resources. As a result, OCCACC strives to be a model Chamber of Commerce organization championing businesses in the greater Orange County area.

As a growing number of Chinese immigrants were starting to settle and establish businesses in Orange County, a group of Chinese American business professionals that wanted a strong unified voice for local Chinese American businesses established OCCACC. The early focus of the organization was to assist, nurture, and promote the development and growth of Chinese American businesses in the greater Orange County area. As the organization evolved, OCCACC expanded its activities to include mixers, seminars, and business expos to integrate itself into the current business landscape. Additionally, since 1993, OCCACC has provided scholarships to outstanding high school seniors in need of financial assistance for higher education. With its continued success and strong leadership, OCCACC has grown its member base exponentially over the years, resulting in numerous service awards from elected officials at the local, state, and federal level.

As OCCACC continues to grow and expand to better serve its members, it needs to incorporate technology into business operations and build strategic partnerships with similar organizations. Leveraging social networking and digital platforms like Facebook, WeChat, Eventbrite, and Dropbox will further increase OCCACC’s visibility and accessibility. Establishing strategic partnerships with organizations like the Irvine Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Clubs will encourage and promote business exchanges and resources. These two goals are the key drivers to sustaining OCCACC’s success.

Currently, OCCACC members can take advantage of not only the expansive services and connections that help their business enterprises, but also camaraderie that empowers personal welfare and growth. Through mixers and annual domestic and international excursions, members have abundant opportunities to bond. With its unique opportunities for personal and professional growth, OCCACC stands out as one of the premiere Chamber of Commerce in the greater Orange County area.


隨著越來越多的華裔移民開始在橙縣定居立業,一群可望有結合統一聲音的華裔美國商人們成立了橙縣華人商會(OCCACC)。該組織的早期重點是協助、培育和促進大橙縣地區的美籍華人企業的發展和增長。商會發展擴展了其活動範圍,包括破冰聯誼派對,專業研討會和商業博覽會。自1993年以來,OCCACC也開始幫助清寒家庭提供獎學金給傑出的高中畢業生追求更高等教育。 在我們理事團隊與多任會長的領導之下,橙縣華人商會的會員人數成倍增長,並獲得了地方、都市、州政府和聯邦各級當選官員的肯定與眾多服務獎項。





Purpose of Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce

This corporation is a non-profit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any individual. It is organized under the California non-profit public benefit corporation law.
  1. Develop Chinese-American commerce in Orange County by providing economic programs designed to assist in business management, business operation and trade potential.
  2. Unite Chinese-Americans to achieve better understanding of the business opportunities in Orange County.
  3. Provide social activities to eliminate the language, culture, and national origin barriers and handicaps.
  4. Establish public relations with the American business communities and political parties, both locally and nationwide.
  5. Discover and correct political oppression or suppression, business abuse, racial discrimination which prevent the healthy growth of Orange County Chinese-American business and commerce.
  6. This Chamber shall not involve in any Chinese or Chinese-American political party(ies). This Chamber shall maintain political neutrality, and should not participate, interfere, or sponsor any Chinese political party(ies) or activities.

Our Location

Orange County Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce 橙縣華人商會 14271 Jeffrey Rd. #180
Irvine, CA 92620 U.S.A.